Item-Level Restore from Google Drive Backup
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To restore a file or a folder, browse the Google Drive backup content, then click the particular item to view its revisions. Revisions appear to the right. Click the required revision to download it to the Downloads folder on your computer. You can find a necessary file or folder by filename or part of the filename. Type the search expression and click the search icon. After the search is complete, click the file to quickly navigate to the file location. To restore the selected item, select one of available restore options. You have the following restore options for selected item:
Restore for selected account
Restore for another account
Restore to restore the selected item to the original location. You can select whether you want to restore the latest version or a version associated with selected point in time, then click Restore to create a restore job.
Restore to 'Restore' folder to restore the selected item to the Restore folder of the user's drive. You can select whether you want to restore the latest version or a version associated with selected point in time, then click Restore to create a restore job. In case of you have enough permissions, the selected object will be restored to selected location. In case of insufficient permissions you will be informed.
To delete any item from backup content along with its revisions, select the required item and click Delete. Provide an alternate email password to confirm this action and click Delete.