Full Backup Explained

In general, creating any backup starts with uploading a full copy of your data to a backup storage which serves as a reference point for subsequent incremental backups. However, it is not reasonable to create and upload a full copy of backup dataset each time any changes are made locally. This is the reason a full backup is always executed with subesequent incremental backups.

An incremental backup is a backup which successive copies contain only the part of backup data that was changed since the preceding backup copy was made.

The way in which a full backup processes your data depends on the kind of backed up data:

  • As an image-based backup is created, a full backup uploads a complete backup dataset copy to a target backup storage (and creates a new backup version) each time the backup plan is being executed

  • As a file-level backup is created, the backup service re-uploads an entire file only if it has been changed since the last backup date (as in incremental backup), a file is not re-uploaded if its modification date is earlier than the last backup date)

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