Synthetic Full Backup (Legacy Backup Format)
Applies to the legacy backup format only
A synthetic full backup is a combination of full and block-level backup types. As opposed to a full backup, a synthetic full backup does not imply uploading a full version to the target storage with each backup plan run. Instead, it assembles a new revision directly in the target storage by combining already existing blocks from previous revisions with newly uploaded blocks. This enables you to upload fewer data to target storage and speed up upload processes.
The legacy synthetic full backup in the legacy backup format is supported for Image-Based Backup (in the legacy backup format) only.
The synthetic full backup in the legacy backup format is supported for:
Amazon S3
With this option enabled, the first run of your backup plan will automatically force a full backup (synthetic backups will be executed during subsequent runs of this backup plan).
Enable synthetic full backup on the Advanced Options step of a legacy image-based backup wizard.
Last updated